
Agri-Com Root Pruner

Root pruning with the Agri-Com Root Pruner is becoming increasingly popular in the UK as growers move away from using chemicals to regulate tree growth. In the fruit-growing areas of Europe, root pruning has been increasing in popularity over the last ten years. The banning of the growth regulator that was used on pears hasContinue reading

AgriCom Root Pruner Super

New and In Stock Root pruner ‘Super’ complete with wheel set, one straight blade, weight frame and angled under cutting knife. The Agri-Com root pruner can be used at anywhere between 1470 and 3270mm centres. The blade is put into and out of work by its own hydraulic ram, so selective root pruning can beContinue reading

Agri-Com Root Pruner

Root pruning with the Agri-Com Root Pruner is becoming increasingly popular in the UK as growers move away from using chemicals to regulate tree growth. In the fruit-growing areas of Europe, root pruning has been increasing in popularity over the last ten years. The banning of the growth regulator that was used on pears hasContinue reading