Agri-Com Root Pruner

Root pruning with the Agri-Com Root Pruner is becoming increasingly popular in the UK as growers move away from using chemicals to regulate tree growth.

In the fruit-growing areas of Europe, root pruning has been increasing in popularity over the last ten years. The banning of the growth regulator that was used on pears has hastened the take up of root pruning to control the vigour of the trees. This has been successful, and we are able to offer you a machine that has been continuously developed and used over the last ten years in Europe.

The Agri-Com root pruner can be used with two straight blades at anywhere between 1470 and 3270mm centres.

Each blade is put into and out of work by its own hydraulic ram, so selective root pruning can be carried out with either tine being put out of work without lifting the whole machine.

The machine can also be used to mark out rows for planting, leaving a clean deep slot to plant into. The maximum working depth of the blades is 450mm.

The basic Agri-Com Root Pruner will sit flat on the ground when not in use, safe for storage.

Weight of basic machine is 300kg.


  • Blade to undercut
  • Subsoiler tines to lift wheelings @ 890mm centres
  • Surface scraper blade to move soil back into wheelings
  • Hydraulic side shift for each tine
  • Following wheel set
  • Weight carrier
  • Angled undercutting blade

All the optional items can be fitted to the basic machine, so a number of jobs can be carried out with one basic implement.

The Agri-Com Root Pruner can be used on a 60 HP tractor. Four-wheel drive is advisable, especially in heavy soil or dry conditions.